General Info

General Policies and Regulations
Permitted Access
  • The public is allowed year-round access to PotlatchDeltic property in Idaho. Permittees (which also includes Permittees guests going forward) understand that access and use may be restricted or closed at various times and places.
  • Some parts of the property may be under an exclusive campsite lease. The public does not have access to leased areas.
  • All roads must remain passable for administrative traffic.
  • Never block or park directly in front of any gate.
  • Permittees are hereby notified and warned that pesticides and herbicides may be used on PotlatchDeltic property.  A list of pesticides and herbicides which may be used is available upon request.
  • Use of PotlatchDeltic property by any member of the public may be revoked by PotlatchDeltic immediately for violation of these policies and regulations, or any violation of local, state or federal law.
  • Permittees accept the property in its present condition, "as is". Permittees enter and use the property at their own risk. Permittees release PotlatchDeltic from all claims for any injury and agree to defend and indemnify PotlatchDeltic against any claim for injury or otherwise including, without limitation, claims for injury or otherwise arising out of exposure to pesticides or herbicides.

    All activities must be conducted in accordance with these General Policies and Regulations.
  • Safety is the highest priority. Permittees are expected to conduct all activities with safety in mind.
  • PotlatchDeltic land is open for hunting, unless there are specific signs that say “No Hunting”.
  • All local hunting regulations issued by the Idaho Department of Fish & Game would need to be followed.
  • We do not require a special permit for hunting, but if a license, tag or permit is need for the species you are hunting, you would need to obtain these from the Idaho Department of Fish & Game.
  • All off-road vehicles must have a permit to be used on PotlatchDeltic land.     
Good Neighbor Relations
  • Respect the rights of neighboring landowners and other users.
  • Shooting near campsites should only occur with the expressed consent of all campers within one-half mile.
  • No target shooting within one-half mile of neighboring landowners homes and buildings.
  • Exploding targets, commonly known at Tannerite, are prohibited on PotlatchDeltic property.
  • Hunters need to show extraordinary caution when within one-half mile of neighboring landowners homes and buildings.
Communication with PotlatchDeltic
  • All communications between PotlatchDeltic and the public should be made through the information line at 866-437-7711 or the Recreation website using Contact Us
  • Emergency situations can be reported using local 911.
Recognizing PotlatchDeltic's Ownership
  • Users recognize that PotlatchDeltic owns property for the purpose of a natural resource business that includes growing, managing, and harvesting forest products. PotlatchDeltic also reserves the right to sell the property at any time. Recreating on PotlatchDeltic property is a privilege. Recreation use of PotlatchDeltic property does not include activities such as horse pasturing. The public may not enter the property for any other purpose and shall not interfere with PotlatchDeltic management of the property.
Ethics and responsibility
  • The future of recreation privileges on PotlatchDeltic property depends on how Permittees behave in the field, and how they present themselves to others. Consider how your actions reflect on yourself and the outdoor recreation community in general.
  • Camping is allowed between April 10 and December 10 in Northern Idaho with a permit or lease. Campers must keep campsites 25 feet from stream banks and open water (including tethering for pack animals).
  • Campsites are not exclusive or guaranteed, except with a lease.
  • Don't erect permanent structures. Don't secure temporary structures to trees with nails, staples, or wire.
  • Campers are responsible for their own valuables and belongings.
  • Posted No Camping Areas must be observed to protect soil, water, and vegetation.
  • Human Waste & Grey Water must be disposed of at least 100 feet from open water. Human waste must be buried; grey water should be deposited near vegetation so that it can be quickly absorbed. Dumping of RV waste tanks is not allowed on PotlatchDeltic property.
  • Between May 10th and October 20th, campfires are only allowed at leased campsites. All Campfires must be DEAD OUT before leaving them unattended. Required equipment at all campfires sites include a shovel, axe, and bucket.
Roads & Gates
  • Permittees must comply with all posted signs. Road restriction signs are located near gates. Gates must be kept clear at all times. Do not park in front of gates.
  • PotlatchDeltic's road system is essential to the management and protection of the company's forestland as well as providing recreation access. Keeping our road systems in good repair serves all interests. For that reason, we ask Permittees to restrict road use at times when excess rutting will result - during the spring thaw and after heavy rains, for example.
Drive Safely
  • Logging trucks and other commercial vehicles use PotlatchDeltic’s road system seven days a week. Watch for these vehicles and monitor posted CB channels whenever possible. Violations of common sense rules of the road, speeding and reckless driving are cause for termination of access privileges and are subject to enforcement action by local authorities.
Road Restrictions
  • Some roads may be closed to visitors during specific times of the year and when there is heavy use by company and contractor vehicles. These closures are for the safety of everyone. Violating road closure requirements can be cause for termination of access privileges.
  • Pack it in, Pack it out! Whatever Permittees bring in, they must remove when they leave. Dumping of trash of any kind - construction waste, appliances, abandoned vehicles - is strictly prohibited and could result in termination of access privileges.
  • Recreational panning is the only form of prospecting allowed.
Illegal Activities
  • Violation of any state or federal law or regulation, including those governing hunting and fishing, is a cause for revoking access privileges to PotlatchDeltic property. PotlatchDeltic's security personnel work closely with local county Sheriff Departments and Idaho Fish & Game Officers to assure enforcement.
  • Fireworks are never allowed on PotlatchDeltic property.
Property Lines and Signs
  • Property lines are NOT always marked and forest property owners - federal, state, and private - are often intermingled. Each Permittee is responsible for knowing where they are and complying with the landowners' rules and restrictions.
High Fire Danger
  • Forest access, campfires, firewood collection and some or all recreation activities can be suspended under extreme fire danger conditions. Visitors must observe wildfire ratings at all times.
  • Collecting firewood for campfires is allowed, but cutting and transporting of firewood beyond the campsite are prohibited.
Christmas Trees
  • Christmas tree cutting is prohibited on PotlatchDeltic property.
Fossils & Artifacts
  • Unauthorized removal of fossils and artifacts is prohibited. PotlatchDeltic protects historical, geological and historically significant sites in accordance with federal and state law.
Permittees agree to the following:
  • To enter the property at their own risk. Permittees shall hold PotlatchDeltic free and harmless from any and all claims related to Permittees and their guests, including, without limitation, claims arising out of exposure to pesticides or herbicides.
  • To be responsible for their guests.
  • To not damage or destroy any trees, crops, buildings, fences, roads, or other improvements located on the property, and to use every precaution to protect wildlife, timber, trees, forest products and PotlatchDeltic property from poaching, theft, fire, or other damage. Users agree to repair any damage he or she causes at their own expense.
  • To not cut standing trees (live or dead).
  • To recognize that PotlatchDeltic reserves the right to sell or exchange the property at any time.
  • To not construct or erect permanent structures under any circumstances (e.g., roads, ATV trails, wells, buildings, sheds, shacks, outhouses, etc.).
  • PotlatchDeltic will not be responsible for damages to personal property or inconveniences to users due to our normal natural resource business activities.
  • To not litter or dispose of trash of any kind on the property.
  • To strictly comply with all state and federal laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to hunting, fishing, and game laws. PotlatchDeltic may revoke access privileges for any user convicted of a law violation.
  • To not release or stock any species of plant, animal or fish.
  • To report any instances of law violations, violations of company policy, road problems, theft, damage, poaching and fire on the property to PotlatchDeltic through the information line at 866-437-7711.
  • To restrict the use of all vehicles, including off-road vehicles (ORVs) to existing established woods roads. ORVs include UTVs, ATVs, motorcycles and snowmobiles No road shall be abused at any time. All gates are to be left as originally found. PotlatchDeltic has no obligation to repair or maintain roads for recreational use.
  • ORVs are allowed on PotlatchDeltic property, but only on existing roads. Building new ORV trails, abusing existing roads, or driving off roads causes erosion and damages the land, and will not be tolerated by PotlatchDeltic. The All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Institute (ASI) offers many great resources for rider safety. Please visit their website at for videos and tips on safe ATV operation.
  • The speed limit on PotlatchDeltic roads is 25 miles per hour unless otherwise posted; this applies to ALL vehicle types including OTVs.
  • PotlatchDeltic maintains the right to exclude from the property any person or persons for conduct which, in PotlatchDeltic's opinion, is in violation of these guidelines.
  • At any time of the year, it may become necessary for PotlatchDeltic to conduct activities including, but not limited to, road building, logging, site preparation, or tree planting on the property. PotlatchDeltic will not be responsible for damages or inconveniences to public users due to these activities.
  • PotlatchDeltic reserves the right to curtail or suspend all use of the property due to fire danger or if necessary to conduct its management activities. Upon notice of curtailment, the public and Permittees shall cease all activities until PotlatchDeltic notifies the public and Permittees that activities may resume.
  • No person listed on the permit is currently banned from PotlatchDeltic property.
  • The information provided in the application is true and accurate. If you falsely register you will forfeit your fees and your permit will not be valid.
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