Campsite Leases in Idaho

PotlatchDeltic offers exclusive campsite leases in selected areas of North Idaho. These areas include Gold Center, The Dredges, Mica Creek, Beaver Creek, and Scofield/Washington Creeks. Details about the leases include:

  • Camping within the selected areas will only be allowed on the leased sites. Dispersed camping with a PotlatchDeltic permit will still be allowed outside the selected areas.
  • Each campsite is exclusively leased to the leaseholder, so there will be no need to secure the site as soon as access allows each spring.
  • Based on the size of each campsite, a maximum number of RVs at each site will be specified.
  • Multi-RV campsites can be shared with friends and family, however no subleasing of the campsites to third parties will be allowed.

Sample Campsite Agreements

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